Scores of teenagers and young adults with an enthusiasm for sport learnt about the sector’s wide range of career and education pathways in Oxfordshire at OxLEP’s annual Careers Fest. The two-day event...
Read articleRyan Hairsine, SEND Coordinator at Ignite Training, marks Neurodiversity Celebration Week by discussing the power of tailored education It’s estimated that in the UK 15% of people are neurodive...
Read articleOxford City FC has announced a major upgrade to its female football programme which will increase participation, training and playing opportunities for both junior and senior players. The Marston-base...
Read articleBOOKING OPEN! - Join us for a packed line up this Easter and May Half Term... Including a NEW Dance Camp collboration with Mini Professionals Dance Academy and a BRAND NEW venue - East Ox ford...
Read articleParents and carers of schoolchildren in receipt of benefits related free school meals are being encouraged to sign-up to a series of free holiday camps being delivered across Oxfordshire this Christma...
Read articleIgnite Sport proudly hosted its first football tournament exclusively for students studying alternative provision programmes across the Thames Valley ahead of the FIFA World Cup. A total of 80 pupils ...
Read articleKEY DATES Take a look at the updated Junior & Youth Calendar for 2022/23 - this includes training breaks, Player Review Meetings and our End of Season Awards Day so please do take a read thr...
Read articleAlternative Provision Learning Hub gets a major facelift, thanks to Aston and James! An alternative provision learning hub used by apprentices and students at Ignite Sport and Velocity Football...
Read articleRegardless of a person’s age, background or ability, sport should be accessible to everyone and support personal development, social and professional skills and self-confidence. Ignite SEND Coordinato...
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